As we continue to stay quarantined for a bit longer, we remember that we are all still connected through our God and our church Light the Way. Please continue to pray, listen to God, and be the church in our community. Even though we continue to be distanced, we continue to praise and worship our God as the body of Christ. We appreciate your continued support and would like to provide a reminder of ways you can support Light the Way from a distance 1) You can mail a check to Light the Way at 8611 N Silverbell Road, Tucson, AZ 85743. 2) If you use bill pay through your bank, you can add us to your payees and the bank will send a check on your behalf. You will need to reference our address. 3) Most banks offer Zelle to send and receive money instantaneously. This is a very simple and easy way to transfer funds. You may need to set up Zelle within your bank account and add Light the Way Lutheran Church as a recipient using the email 4) You can use PayPal, which is online or an app on your phone. Once you have set up an account, you can send money to Light the Way by using our email address We are not charged fees by using this method on PayPal. 5) Feel free to drop an offering by the church. Thank you for being a part of our amazing church and please feel free to contact us with any questions. God Bless!
Oct '21
October News
Oct '21
Happy October! As we head into fall, there is a lot happening at Light the Way. We are supporting Operation Christmas Child and will be collecting boxes until November 1, Stop by and get a box, fill it up and bring it back to us. The youth group meets each Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30 pm. Dinner is served and they have a lesson and lots of fun. Children in kindergarten through high school are welcome. Our youth group will be working along side some of our adults to hand out Bibles to the community on Saturday, October 23 in the morning. This month brings our
Apr '20
Apr '20
Easter! He is risen! Churches may be empty, but we know that the grave is empty too! The way we gather and celebrate this year may be a little different, but we know that Easter remains the same forever. Here is some important information about how Light the Way will celebrate Easter this year!
Easter Drive Through: We suggest that you to dress up this Easter just as you normally would do and take a drive coming through the church parking lot from 9-9:10 am. Tune the radio to your favorite Christian station such as 88.1 FM or 104.1 FM. As you slowly drive through from either direction, we invite you to blow kisses, share smiles, waves, air hugs, and honks. We encourage you to drive several loops to help give a sense of being together in a small way. Pastor Dale and Pastor Jerry will be giving a blessing to everyone and will also have sealed communion sets available for those who may need them for our online Easter worship. The Easter bunny will be there too, giving a wave and a special treat. As you leave the church parking lot, we ask you to drive by a friend’s home or several and as you do, say a prayer over them and their household.
Easter Worship: When you return back to your home, please join us for worship on Facebook live at 10 a.m. If you are unable to access our live stream, we ask you to read Matthew 28 and spend time in prayer. Our recorded service will be available on our website after worship is completed. He is risen! Alleluia!
With our normal Holy Week traditions being so different this year, we are offering a few suggestions for outreach. We normally adorn our worship area with Easter Lilies, but this year we would like people to bring an Easter Lily to a neighbor if you are able. Leave it on a neighbors doorstep with a note saying, “Blessed Easter from (your name) and my church family Light the Way. It is the perfect time to be the church, be an evangelist for Light the Way, and share the spirit of Easter. The second idea is to pass on a prayer shawl to a neighbor. The prayer shawls were crocheted by Elsie Zacher and are available directly inside the church doors. Once again, this can be given to a neighbor with a note saying, “Blessed Easter from (your name) and my church family Light the Way. Please remember to keep social distancing in mind, to be careful, stay healthy, and be prayerful. God Bless!
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his apostles. We ask you to join us in spirit at 8 p.m. in your homes as a unified time to create a sense of togetherness. Here are some instructions for creating a beautiful service within your home. Have the communion elements-the bread, wine/grape juice ready. We have several options for communion: 1) Light the Way has sealed wafer and juice sets available for pick up or delivery. Please let us know if you need them. 2) Have your own bread and wine/grape juice available. There is a recipe listed below for communion bread. Read more…