Happy October! As we head into fall, there is a lot happening at Light the Way. We are supporting Operation Christmas Child and will be collecting boxes until November 1, Stop by and get a box, fill it up and bring it back to us. The youth group meets each Wednesday evening from 6:00-7:30 pm. Dinner is served and they have a lesson and lots of fun. Children in kindergarten through high school are welcome. Our youth group will be working along side some of our adults to hand out Bibles to the community on Saturday, October 23 in the morning. This month brings our
annual meeting when we give everyone a detailed update on many aspects of the church. We like to think of this as a time to share the vision, goals, and excitement of God’s work here at Light the Way. Join us on Sunday, October 24 directly after the 10:00 am service for the annual meeting. Wednesday night Ignite worship is back once a month that starts with dinner and is followed by an intimate worship all about being bold in our faith journey. The next one will be Wednesday, October 20-dinner is at 6:00 pm and worship is at 6:30 pm. Trunk or Treat is Friday, October 29 from 5:00-7:00 pm. We will have a parking lot filled with decorated cars, candy, games, costume and trunk contests, and a hot dog dinner. Everyone is welcome! Light the Way is planning for the second annual Fall Festival and Vendor Fair on Saturday, November 20. We are looking for vendors who are selling great items, so let us know if you would like to have a booth. The Fall Festival will have food, games, crafts and shopping just in time for the holiday season. Please join us on Sunday mornings at either 8:15 am or 10:00 am for worship. God bless you church!