With our normal Holy Week traditions being so different this year, we are offering a few suggestions for outreach. We normally adorn our worship area with Easter Lilies, but this year we would like people to bring an Easter Lily to a neighbor if you are able. Leave it on a neighbors doorstep with a note saying, “Blessed Easter from (your name) and my church family Light the Way. It is the perfect time to be the church, be an evangelist for Light the Way, and share the spirit of Easter. The second idea is to pass on a prayer shawl to a neighbor. The prayer shawls were crocheted by Elsie Zacher and are available directly inside the church doors. Once again, this can be given to a neighbor with a note saying, “Blessed Easter from (your name) and my church family Light the Way. Please remember to keep social distancing in mind, to be careful, stay healthy, and be prayerful. God Bless!